Sunday, October 21, 2018


According to the American Cancer Society, 700,000 people will be diagnosed with this serious disease this year. Over 600,000 will die from the cancer. While liver cancer does happen in the United States, its most dense prevalence is actually in the less developed areas of Africa and Southeast Asia.
Like many other cancers, doctors don’t always know exactly why a patient develops this particular kind. Sometimes, it simply occurs without much risk or warning.
On the other hand, several factors can increase a person’s chances of getting the disease, including a previous hepatitis B infection, cirrhosis or diabetes. Possibly one of the most preventable risk factors for liver cancer is excessive alcohol consumption.

Pancreatic Cancer Symptom #1: Pain

In pancreatic cancer, there can be pain in the upper abdomen that may radiate to the back. The location can worsen at night and gradually increase to become much more severe and persistent. Many patients find that the pain can be slightly relieved by leaning forwards.
Pancreatic cancer usually has very few symptoms in early stages and can be incidentally found in emergency department visits for abdominal pain. In 67% of patients with pancreatic cancer, abdominal pain is the main symptom with another 46% accompanied by jaundice.

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