Sunday, October 21, 2018

Bed bug bites Photos and Bug Removal

What do bed bug bites look like?



Bed bugs are six-legged, wingless insects that are typically small and flat. Like mosquitoes, bed bugs feed on the blood from animals or people. Their natural color can range from pale white to dark brown, but they turn a rusty red color after feeding.

DIY bed bug removal
If you think you have bed bugs, you must first find them. Bed bugs prefer dark, warm places, such as the nooks and crannies of mattresses, under the edge of wall-to-wall carpeting or cracks in drywall.
Start by grabbing a flashlight and searching your bedroom; this means taking the sheets off your mattress, turning it on end, turning out all drawers and dressers and thoroughly checking the edges of your carpet for any bugs. You may see the occasional egg on its own, but the live bugs like to congregate.
Once you’ve found the bugs, you need to remove them. First, use rubbing alcohol to kill any bugs or eggs you can see — once the alcohol touches them, they die.
Next, launder all clothing and bedding in the room. Using water above 120 degrees Fahrenheit will kill the bugs.
For items you can’t put in the washer, try wrapping in plastic and laying out in the sun. After a few days, the bugs will be dead. Once you’ve killed the obvious insects, vacuum and steam clean your carpets.

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