Monday, April 4, 2016

Top 5 Anti Aging Creams Of 2016

Recent breakthroughs in wrinkle reduction have put the skincare industry in a buzz and scientists are excited to reveal new treatment options that haven’t even reached cosmetic stores yet…And the research is showing new options for the new wrinkles that are starting to show up, the deep creases that you’ve been tired of looking at and even the dark bags around your eyes.*
It seems like it will work for everyone else, but never me. But the truth is that retinol is a lifesaver if you want to slow the signs of aging. But if you want to reverse what has already appeared, it’s going to take a bit more than this age old compound.*
So we chatted about the places on our face that we notice when we look in the mirror. We figured out that there are 3 key places that are making us feel years older than we are. So if we could create the perfect wrinkle cream, it would do these three things to those annoying signs of aging…

1. Tighten and lift the bags around our eyes, cheeks and forehead.* 

2. Remove dark spots and even out skin color*

3. Smooth out deep, noticeable wrinkles and prevent new ones from developing*

Our criteria for a good wrinkle cream wasn’t different that anyone else’s. We all want the same thing, so getting there can be a group effort. This is what we used to find out what wrinkle creams were out there, and which ones that might be worth a try.

Immediate Results— I think its safe to assume that we all know that it’s going to take a little time to see the results we want. But a good wrinkle cream should give you hints to what is to come right when you put it on.*
Long Term Results— This is what really makes us excited, and if you’re using a good wrinkle cream you should be just weeks away from seeing potential reductions in visibility of your wrinkles*
Safety— Many major brands use dangerous chemicals and hormones to cheaply deliver a fraction of the results. Not only are these chemicals less effective, but they are also dangerous to your skin and body.*
Price— When I’m looking for almost any product, what it really comes down to is if I can afford it. So the price can’t be so low that you’re buying harsh chemicals and ineffective products but also the more pricey ones might not be better.
Refund Guarantee— I look at a refund guarantee offered as the company saying, “yes, we believe that this product will work. If it doesn’t return it within 30,60,90 days” If a company isn’t willing to say that, then I think it’s a company that I would have a very difficult time trusting.*
Cruelty free company is an upmost concern to us and probably you as well, so before we even thought of those categories we removed all wrinkle creams that were tested on animals. Surprisingly, a large amount of companies still use the out-dated methods of testing sadly.
Most products were overpriced, so the group of potential wrinkle creams because small very quickly.
We’ve been depending on retinol for over 50 years now! In that time there has been so much research to show that there are other ways to potentially get even better results than the average wrinkle cream.*
The first one is all natural and comes from the oil of the paracress plant. It’s a beautiful, yellow plant from brazil that is suggested to react with collagen to make your skin tighten and firm.*
What we’ve learned is that paracress contains alkyl amides, which are known by scientists for their immune-stimulating effects. Research suggests when it comes in contact with the collagen in your skin, it can potentially realign the microscopic fibers to where they should be which contracts the skin to give a smooth, firm texture.*
This second new compound is called Ferment Extract and also reacts with collagen. Scientists used 3D optical measurements to see how well wrinkles decreased compared to the placebo, and results show great improvements.*
Peptides are the secret, and it does this by potentially increasing the production of all three types of collagen to redevelop firm skin and also repair present wrinkles.*
Beta-Glucan is the last skincare piece of confidential info that we thought you’d like to know about. The research explains that when applied to the skin, researchers suggest it has potential to break down and dissolve sebum and other chemicals that are clogging pores.*
According to the research, this newly found powerhouse…*
It’s fun to read research and get excited about what is possible with the new options on the market, but we knew that there is no better fact than actually trying them your self.*
I’ve given you quite a bit of information already, so you are now more educated on making your own smart choice, however I’ve listed a few factors that we looked at for our review that are important for almost any product.

If you’re trusting a product for your body…they should all meet these minimal requirements.
1. Made in the USA. Regulations around the world are much less strict than in the United States and ingredients can be lower quality. Skincare products made in America are sure to be more trustworthy and of higher quality than ones coming form a Chinese factory.
2. 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. Like I said, if a company isn’t going to give their word that their product will work, then don’t waste your time. But you also need enough time to try the new formula and see if it works for you overtime. That mean 7 or 14 days isn’t long enough to decide the effectiveness.*
3. No Gimmicks. That’s pretty broad, I know. But let me tell you what I mean. You’ve probably noticed that many companies give small trial bottles for an amazingly low price. Well, like they say; If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. And this time around, it is unfortunately.
Watch out for trial product requiring your credit card, because if you forget to cancel your trial within the short time given, you may charged upwards of $100 for a product that isn’t even worth half.

Here are 5 products that meet the above criteria, you can read more about each one by following the more information button.

#1 Choice:

Anti-Aging & Anti-Wrinkle Cream

Overall Rating: Excellent

Company Reputation:
Research Backed:
Guarantee:90 Day MoneyBack
Rejuvelix Report Overview:
Rejuvelix was selected as our editors choice because it contains all the top researched ingredients including backed up by research in anti aging and reducing wrinkles. Many of these ingredients have been recently developed in France and Germany while the final formula is developed in the USA.
Product Safety: Because Rejuvelix is based on research tested ingredients, and are developed following FDA standards and regulations it is generally considered safe, and there has not been any reported issues. It is still always suggested you consult a physician before starting any new regiments.*
Company Reputation: An online search reveals many powerful user reviews. The company openly admits to third party testing, is based in the USA, and they further indicate the product is made in an FDA registered lab that follows GMP guidelines.*
Product Guarantee: Rejuvelix offers a 90 day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

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#2 Choice:

Radical Peptide Infused
Antioxidant Serum

Overall Rating: Excellent

Company Reputation:
Research Backed:
Guarantee:30 Day
Radical Report Overview:
Developed by Radical Skincare within the United States by Liz and Rachel Edlich, this company has been pioneering skincare in many ways. They have several products using their “Trylacel Technology” and empty several scientists and advisors to develop their formulas and compounds.*
Radical’s anti-aging serum contains a clean, safe and effective blend of ingredients that aim to reduce wrinkles, line and smooth out discoloration. It’s free from many of the damaging chemicals that are found in cosmetics and the company is very reliable.*
It’s best used twice a day before you moisturize and has a 30 day money back guarantee.

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#3 Choice:

VERSO Skincare Time Reverse Series

Overall Rating: Good

Study Backed Formula:
Guarantee:60 Day
Created by Verso Skincare, this company creates many skincare products known for high quality. Unfortunately they are also known for their high prices. They are located in Sweden and specialize in many different types of skincare treatments.*
Verso’s treatment is a multi-step process which took a long time to get through. It’s definitely not as easy as using a one step cream in the morning and night. But the ingredients are high quality and it does contain retinol and fruit extract. Verso also added a fragrance to their treatment which some customers do not enjoy.*
The price was a huge turn off because it’s not more effective than Rejuvelix. But it did work and received good testimonials.*
The product must be, “new or gently used,” in order to receive a refund in 60 days.

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#4 Choice:

Sunday Riley’s Bionic Anti-Aging Cream

Overall Rating: Excellent

Study Backed Formula:
Guarantee:30 Day
It was difficult to find information about Sunday Riley’s origins and history. They are an american brand specializing in skincare and have been around for many years. Similar to the Skin Research Institute, their products are based on the chemistry they research. It does not appear that they do their own research so information comes from publicly accessed material.*
Their return policy only gives you 30 days to return your product, so you must make a quick decision on if you want to stick with it and includes all products both used and unused*
This anti-aging product wasn’t as bionic as we thought, but it worked well. This is a worthy retinol cream that is effective, but does not contain the ingredients spoken about. Without these, results are slow and not less visible. Sunday Riley and the other brands are all trustworthy and can be depended on for several products.*

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#5 Choice:

Guerlain Abeille Royale 1-Month Youth Treatment

Overall Rating: Excellent

Study Backed Formula:
Guarantee:None Offered
Guerlain is a French luxury brand that for many years has produced many quality skincare products. Their products are higher quality and higher priced. They make a variety of products ranging from skincare to fragrances. You can find them at any major cosmetics store.*
If you were to go to a cosmetics store and purchase this product without looking at others, you would think that it was worth it because it does produce results. The price is very high, so much so that we probably shouldn’t have listed it. We wanted to give an example though of a higher end product that is not more effective than the less pricey choices.*
They had a very small anti-aging collection, this being the only option and it seems most products are developed for the younger crowd. Their guarantee is very weak and only includes 30 days on products that are ‘lightly used.’ If it doesn’t work for you, then you’re out of luck on your refund.*


منوعاتإقرأ خلال ساعة واحدة: ورق الألمنيوم لأسنان ناصعة البياض

خلال ساعة واحدة: ورق الألمنيوم لأسنان ناصعة البياض
يجهل الكثيرون أن إمكانية الحصول على ضحكة ساحرة بأسنان بيضاء ناصعة، قد لا يحتاج منهم سوى ساعة واحدة فقط وبعض من المواد المتوفرة في مطبخك وهي ورق ألومنيوم، وملعقة من بيكربونات الصوديوم، وقليل من معجون الأسنان.
ولتحصلي على أسنان ناصعة البياض، اخلطي المعجون مع البيكربونات الصوديوم، وقلبيها جيدًا حتى يصبح خليطاً متماسكاً، ومن ثم وضعه في قطعة من ورق الألومنيوم قطعت بطريقة تتلاءم مع شكل الأسنان، حتى تتمكني من وضع بالخليط على الأسنان وتترك لمدة ساعة واحدة، حسب "وطن".
وبعد مرور الوقت المحدد تغسل الأسنان بالطريقة التقليدية بالفرشاة والمعجون والماء للتخلص التام من هذا الخليط، والتمتع بالنتائج المبهرة حيث أسنانك البيضاء بعد إزالة الأصباغ والبكتيريا منها، وفي حالة تكاثفهم بشكل كبير يمكنك تكرار تلك العملية مرتين في الأسبوع.

مرضى الشلل الرعاش

كشفت دراسة طبية أميركية حديثة في جامعة North Western في شيكاغو أن المواظبة على ممارسة رياضة المشي السريع أو ما يُعرف Jogging قادر إلى حد كبير على تحسين حركة واتزان مرضى الشلل الرعاش (Parkinson).
كما أفادت الدراسة التي نشرت في العدد الأخير من مجلة "علم الأعصاب" وقادها أستاذ العلاج الطبيعي والعلوم الدكتور دانيال كروكس، أن الهرولة قد تساعد على تحسين الحالة المزاجية وقد تزيد من نسبة الإنتباه والتركيز.
وكانت الدراسة الجديدة قد وضعت 60 مريضاً تحت الإختبار، تراوحت أعمارهم ما بين 50 إلى 80 عاماً جميعهم في مراحل مبكرة من المرض ولا يعانون من أعراض الخرف أو مشاكل صحية خطيرة أخرى، ويستطيعون السير بدون مساعدة. وأشارت المتابعة إلى حدوث تحسن ملموس في اللياقة البدنية للمرضى المشاركين في الدراسة، فضلاً عن تحسّن قدرتهم على السير بخطى سريعة متزنة، بالإضافة إلى تحسن في بعض وظائف خلايا المخ والحالة المزاجية وتراجع الشعور بالتعب والإكتئاب، ليصبحوا أكثر إيجابية وإقبالاً على الحياة.
عن الشلل الرعاش (الباركنسون)
هو عبارة عن تلف لجزء معين في النواة القاعدية في الدماغ يدعى (المادة السوداء /Matière grise) حيث تعرف هذه المادة بمسؤوليتها عن افراز مادة الدوبامين الضرورية لتوازن الحركة لدى الانسان، ويعد كبار السن (الذين يتخطون الاربعين) فريسة هذا المرض بالدرجة الاولى. والحقيقة انه لا يعرف السبب المباشر لتلف هذه المادة، الا انه يرجح ان يكون هناك ارتباط وثيق بالجينات الوراثية والعوامل البيئية المحيطة.
على رغم ان اسباب هذا المرض لا تزال مجهولة نوعا ما، لكن قد تكون احد هذه العوامل السبب للوقوع مغبة هذا المرض:
* التعرض لمواد سامة.
* الاستعداد الوراثي.
* اصابات الرأس السابقة.
* الالتهابات الفيروسية التي تصيب الجهاز العصبي.,
* قلة مادة الدوبامين وهي مادة كيميائية تقوم بنقل السيالات العصبية.
* ضمور وتلف في نهايات الخلايا العصبية والمسؤولة عن افراز مادة كيميائية اسمها "نورابينفرين)، وهي مادة ضرورية لنقل السيالات العصبية والتحكم الارادي في الجهاز العصبي وكذلك تؤدي دوراً هاماً في ضبط ضغط الدم.
* تناول بعض الادوية، اذا ثبت انها قد تؤدي الى زيادة خطر الاصابة بالمرض نظراً لأنها تقلل من كمية الدوبامين او تمنع ارتباطه بالمستقبلات، كالأدوية المستخدمة لعلاج الحالات النفسية.
عوامل الخطر:
تضطلع عوامل عدة بزيادة فرص الاصابة بالباركنسون، وهذه اهمها:
* الجنس: الذكور اكثر عرضة للاصابة من النساء.
* الوراثة: اصابة واحد او اكثر من الاقارب بشلل الرعاش قد يزيد من فرص الاصابة.
* العمر: تزداد خطورة الاصابة بالمرض مع التقدم بالعمر ونادراً ما يحدث في سن الشباب.
* التعرض للسموم: التعرض المستمر للمواد السامة مثل المبيدات الحشرية ومبيدات الاعشاب قد يزيد نسبة احتمال الاصابة بشلل الرعاش.
تختلف اعراض هذا المرض ويبقى اهمها:
* الخرف: يحدث ذلك نتيجة تدهور الوظائف العقلية.
• مشكلات العين: ستضعف حركة فتح واغماض جفن العينين وقد يحدث جفاف في العين او التهاب الملتحمة (الرمد) وكل ذلك نتيجة لنقص مادة الدوبامين.
* رعشة قد تصيب اليد والذراع والساق والفك والوجه.
* تصلب الاطراف والجذع.
* بطء ملحوظ في الحركة.
* فقدان السيطرة على تحقيق التوازن اثناء الوقوف.
* اضطرابات في المشي او الحركات الارادية تتمثل بانحناءة الى الامام وخطوات قصيرة غير منتظمة.
* تغير في الكلام ونبرة الصوت التي ستميل تدريجياً نحو النعومة والرتابة. كما قد يحصل نوع من التأتأة والتردد اثناء الكلام.
ينقسم علاج مرض الباركنسون الى مراحل ثلاث وهي:
* العلاج الدوائي: الذي قد يساهم في التخفيف من حدة المرض وليس القضاء عليه تماماً.
* العلاج الجراحي: ويتم ذلك من خلال اجراء عمليات زراعة جهاز التنبيه الكهربائي ويسمى علاج تحفيز خلايا الدماغ (Deep Brain Stimulation) عموماً يعتبر العلاج الجراحي فعالاً للمرضى الذين لم يبدوا اي استجابة للأدوية المضادة.
* العلاج الطبيعي: وهو علاج مهم للغاية، ومن شأنه المساعدة على تحسين قدرة المريض على التحرك وزيادة قوة العضلات، بالاضافة الى انها تمنحه شعوراً بمزيد من الثقة وتحسن مشيته وتوازنه.